Update2: Their VP of Operations got back to us and tried to distance themselves from the “Please join Apple for an update on their latest hardware and software products.” statement.   They’d like this post to be removed.

We thought Apple had stopped doing smaller shows like NAB in 2007 where they released Final Cut Studio 2.  However, it appears (via MacSoda) that Apple might be attending NAB 2010 and may have some new products to announce: “Please join Apple for an update on their latest hardware and software products. Lunch will be provided to all those attending.“ Date: Wednesday April 14th, 2010Time: 11:30am – 12:30pmWhere: Renaissance Hotel, Las Vegas2nd Floor “Rainbow” Conference Room Please take a moment to RSVP above as space is limited. If you have any questions, please email Jenny Neymark, Marketing Events Coordinator, or call 877.761.9770. The speculation last year was that Apple will again be releasing a new version of its Final Cut Studio Software (3.5? 4?) and possibly some updates to some of its video production hardware.  It was last updated in July of 2009.  As Steve Jobs said, Final Cut Pro is alive and well. Also, professionals like Mac Pros and Xserves.

  We just called Renaissance Hotel to confirm. They said there is indeed an Apple event on Wednesday.  Audio file here.