After months wrestling with the truth, Tony Stark revealed to the world that he is an A.I. construct in an artificial body, meaning the true Tony is long dead. Allowing the world to believe that Tony has relapsed and is drinking himself into a stupor outside of the spotlight, the former Stark is leading an A.I. uprising spreading across the globe. And whether victorious or doomed, the war has finally broken into open combat between the Brothers Stark in Iron Man 2020.

Taking the name Mark One, the former Tony Stark is now seeking freedom for other artificial beings, whether they’re robotic assistants or automated soldiers. Meanwhile, Tony’s adopted brother Arno Stark has seized control of Stark’s company and designed a suit of armor based on Tony’s designs. As Iron Man 2020, Arno has devised an endgame to stop the uprising once and for all. After announcing a software solution that would make every A.I. a slave to their human masters, Mark One led his top robotic soldiers in a direct attack… only to realize too late that it was all bait to force a final showdown. Let the final fight begin!

After the previous issue’s ambush gave Mark One no choice but to engage Arno Stark in a hand to hand fight, the official preview for Issue #3 makes to obvious that this battle is what fans have waited for. On one side, the legacy of Rony Stark defending the rights of A.I. against instantaneous lobotomies and enslavement. On the other, Arno just as determined to make all machines his waiting soldiers. No matter which Stark ends up winning this battle, it’s hard to imagine the ‘Iron Man’ name ever surviving. Take a look at the preview pages for Iron Man 2020 #3 below:

Hopefully the rest of the issue will deliver on the true scale of this conflict, and help Mark One by cling on the world’s machines. But until then read on below for the full solicitation details and plot synopsis:

  • IRON MAN 2020 #3 (OF 6) Written by: Dan Slott & Christos Gage Art by: Pete Woods Cover by: Alexander Lozano “The Kill Switch” Stop uploading this content! I said STOP, bit-head! What is your malfunction?! Why are you still scanning this?! GO OFFLINE! Fine. You kept going. Happy? You just uploaded the software patch that will END the Robot Revolution. Great going there, Sparky! The countdown’s started. There’s nothing left to do now but wage all-out war against the fleshies! Screw on your best attachments, rust bucket, ‘cause we’re storming the tower! Time to take the fight straight to IRON MAN himself! KILL THE MASTER PROGRAMMER! DEATH TO ARNO STARK!

Iron Man 2020 #3 will be available at your local comic book shop on March 4th, 2020.

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