A low-light test of the telephoto lens in the iPhone X has revealed that it works in a quarter of the light needed by the iPhone 7 Plus.

Studio Neat’s Dan Provost noted that the iPhone makes up its own mind when to use the telephoto lens, even when you’ve selected it in the camera app …

This is because the telephoto lens has a smaller aperture, and thus needs more light. The iPhone itself determines when there’s enough light to use the longer lens.

Provost decided to find out when this switch happens, comparing it with the iPhone 7 Plus.

The result was that the iPhone X had enough light to use the telephoto lens at 16 lux, while the iPhone 7 Plus needed 88 lux. This is less than a quarter of the light, or two stops in photography terms.

This discovery only adds to how impressed I am by the iPhone X camera. You can watch the video below.

Via Daring Fireball