DxOMark has today released its review of the iPhone X camera setup, which sees Apple’s premium iPhone score 97, one point below the highest rated mobile camera, the Google Pixel 2.

It’s important to remember that rating camera performance is a somewhat subjective matter. While DxOMark certainly does a thorough job testing cameras in all sorts of conditions, it is a human who scores each attribute. Also, keep in mind DxOMark scores are not out of 100 possible points, but rather a weighted mix of scores from its photo and video tests. At some point we’ll see an overall score push pass 100 (the iPhone X scored a 101 in the photo subcategory). For a more DxO info, check out this great explainer by MKBHD.

The iPhone 8 and 8 Plus took the top spots on DxoMarks mobile list when they launched with scores of 92 and 94, respectively. Then Samsung’s Galaxy Note 8 tied the iPhone 8 Plus, and most recently Google’s Pixel 2 took the number one spot with a 98 (the highest score yet).

In the beginning of the review, DxOMark notes that the iPhone X scores better than the iPhone 8 Plus with the help of a few features unique to the newest iPhone.

While the iPhone X has the second best mobile camera overall per DxO, it did earn the highest overall score the for photo category with 101 points.

The iPhone X camera does really well in high-contrast environments, as well as producing “excellent” exposures outside as well as in bright light. Here are a couple of DxOMark’s shots highlighting these strengths.

Here’s a comparison between the iPhone X, Google Pixel 2, and Samsung’s Galaxy Note 8. Performance like the image below earned the X a score of 90 for ‘Exposure and Contrast.’

DxO found the iPhone X to perform considerably better than the 8 Plus with both zoom and Bokeh shots with its new telephoto lens.

While DxO notes it is impressive that the iPhone X can shoot 4K at 60fps, it performs all testing at default settings, which is 1080p at 30fps. The overall score for the video portion was lower at 89. It received the lowest marks in that category for texture and noise.

DxO doesn’t share the video testing in its review, but shares a shorter synopsis toward the end.

Check out the full review here.