The march to carrier agnosticism for the iPhone continues with Germany the new front, where T-Mobile has lost its iPhone monopoly, a tipster tells us. Announcements are due from O2 and Vodafone that they plan to begin selling the iPhone in Germany perhaps as soon as the end of the month (October). At present a page on O2 Germany’s website proclaims (according to Google Translate): “The latest news and everything to know about the iPhone 4 in O2 can be found exclusively on this page. As soon as news about the iPhone 4 – e.g. Tariff information – are, we will inform you of which is always very comfortable about it personally. Simply sign up quickly and always be informed.” This news comes as US rumor continues to explode, with almost every other report now speculating Verizon will indeed offer a version of the iPhone on its network starting next year. This move will widen the iPhone market at a time when Microsoft and Android powered devices also hit market in quantity. Interesting times.