Image by Gizmodo

If you’re a fan of Google’s music locker up in the skies, Interactive Innovation Solutions has a handy app for you. Dubbed gMusic: A native Google Music player, it’s the only native iOS app so far allowing you to access your Google Music account and stream up to 20,000 tracks. And if the notion of paying $25 a year for the iTunes Match service isn’t appealing – and, you are willing to wait days, if not weeks, to upload your music collection to the Google cloud – this is your go-to app.

It’s got a two-step verification for your Google Account, lets you create playlists on the go, is responsive, plays you music in the background and more. And because it syncs with your Google Account, any changes you make to your Music Beta account via the web interface instantly appear on your device. gMusic: A native Google Music player is a two bucks download from the App Store. To our Android-toting friends, developer shared no detail about a possible Android version. Worry not, your app store already offers an abundance of Google Music clients.

Don’t forget that Google also has its own (and free) HTML5-based web app, with fewer features. The full features list and more screenies after the break.

gMusic is the only native iOS app that lets you access your Google Music account, which allows you to keep up to 20,000 of your favorite songs in Google Music. Now you can listen to your entire music collection without having to use any space on your iOS device.

gMusic features include: – Very fast load times. Typically less than 10 seconds until you can load and start streaming your Music library. After that the rest of your collection will trickle in. – Create an Instant Playlist – Add songs to existing playlists – Search by Artist, Songs, Albums, or Genres – Plays in the background so you can use your other apps while still listening to your music – Stay tuned for other great new features coming soon.