A company that makes smartphone-controlled door locks for hotels has announced its first home door lock system, going by the rather cringeworthy name Okidokeys.

Once fitted, you’ll be able to unlock your front door from your iPhone (or Android handset) via Bluetooth. The locks are also compatible with RFID chips, allowing you to open them with a keycard or wristband in case your phone battery goes flat. As you’d expect from a hi-tech lock, you can also manage access and accounts online … 

For example, you can create an account for a cleaner which restricts access to certain days or hours, and you can also open the lock remotely if someone is locked out.

The range of locks starts at $179, with pre-orders available later this month for delivery in the spring. It will be competing with a growing range of smartphone-controlled locks this year, including the August, available for pre-order now at $199, also for shipping in the Spring.