We ran three recent polls asking about your upgrade plans for the iPhone 6s/Plus, and now that pre-orders are well underway, we thought it would be interesting to summarize the results.

First, we asked how many of you planned to upgrade to the iPhone 6s/Plus – and the results show it’s not surprising that pre-orders appear on course to set a new record. Among existing iPhone 6 owners, a surprisingly high 38% of you said that you planned to swap out your 1-year-old iPhone for the new model. For owners of older phones, it’s almost three-quarters of you, at 73%.

We then asked about model, storage and color plans … 

Interestingly, there was almost an even split between the 4.7-inch 6s and the 5.5-inch 6s Plus, the smaller model just winning out at 51% versus 49%. There was greater consensus on storage capacity and color, most of you planning to buy the 64GB model in Space Gray.

Finally, with carriers now typically separating the cost of the handset from that of the service plan, we asked how you planned to pay for your new handset. Almost half of you opted to bite the bullet and pay the full cost upfront. The rest of you were pretty evenly split between a traditional two-year contract and buying the phone upfront on a monthly instalment plan. Only 6% of you were planning to rent it, returning it next time you upgrade.

It was recently confirmed the iPhone 6s/Plus is getting a RAM upgrade, from 1GB to 2GB, while the new 3D Touch display will make it a little heavier.

If you are planning to pickup your new iPhone in person, we’ve reported on how Apple plans to manage that process on the day. Whether ordering online or in person, you’ll want to be ready to transfer your content from old to new iPhone.