Apple is showing off iPadOS 15 for the first time. Follow along as we detail everything new coming to iPad.

  • Widgets are now available on the home screen for iPad for the first time

  • App Library from iOS 14 on iPhone is now available on iPad (WOO!!)

  • Home screens can be hidden on iPad just like on iOS 14 for iPad

  • iPadOS 15 lets you see your home screen from within apps by sliding them out of the way

  • New user interface cues make entering Split View much more discoverable

  • A new Shelf feature does something …

  • Multitasking view now lets you drag and drop apps on top of each other to enter Split View

  • Notes now has mentions, tags, and a more robust change log

  • Quick Note is a system-wide iPad feature that lets you create a note from any app

  • Quick Notes can be created on iPadOS and macOS, and viewed or edited on iOS

  • Translate app updated with Auto Translate for automatically translating spoken conversations

  • Translate is now available anywhere on iPadOS, iOS, and macOS

  • Swift Playgrounds for iPad now lets you create iPhone and iPad apps without Xcode on macOS for the first time

iPadOS 15 will be available as a developer and public beta this summer before it launches to all users in the fall.